Belgrade Church of Christ - About

Who are we?
Belgrade Church of Christ is an independent, non-denominational community of Christians.
We are families, singles, parents, children, empty-nesters, young adults, and retired persons.
We help each other to love God and love our neighbors. We want to share the abundant life of Jesus with our community here in the Gallatin Valley and the world.
What to expect
When you visit us, you won't find the latest trends or a flashy, professional worship service. You find ordinary people like you serving an extraordinary God.
What you will find is a diverse group of people that genuinely wants to follow God together.
We sing, receive a message from the Bible, share the Lord's supper, and pray.
You are welcome to join us in sharing the abundant life of Jesus.
What do we believe?
We believe in going back to the simple Christianity found in the Bible.
Questions? Needs?
Email us at or call us at
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Meet with us
Bible Class 9:30am
Worship 10:30am
Bible Class 7pm