Belgrade Church of Christ - News

Christians having fun!
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Upcoming Events

Great Falls Youth Ralley

March 21st - 23rd.

Sign up in the lobby for a ride.

Men's Retreat

May 15-17.

Contact Bob Alfred for more info. 406-788-7599

Leadership Canoe Trip

Mark your calendars now for the father/son canoe trip this June 19-22.  See Chris Crooks for more info.

Regular Events

Men's Groups

There are several men's groups that meet throughout the week.  For more information, see Phil Young, Dan Stahly, or David Eder.

Singles Game Night

First Friday of each Month @ 6pm.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays at 9:00am at the church building.

Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Silvia’s house.


Announcements can be sent to

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests can be sent to
